Make sure you have UVMapped the player's head first, the one you wanna rig, not claudes, make sure you've uvmapped the head to claude's player.bmp!
If you do not know how, i will make a tutorial about it later on.
Rigging the Model
Now that the bottom area of the head where the neck should be is fitted, click onto Claude's head, select all his vertices, and click "Attach".
Then click on the peds head u wanna rig, and a bar should pop up and it will be like this:
Click ok, now both claude's head and the ped's head should be one, only claude's head vertices will be red because they are the ones what are selected, i guess it will be like this:
Click DEL so it should just be the peds head you're rigging:
Now the ped should be rigged, but first. Add the textures to the model both ped and claudes body, should be like this
Before you extract, make sure the toolbar is like this:
Select everything, plus Root like this..
Now press Extract DFF. Then you are done, BUT, not entirely, you want to rig your ped to work in cutscenes don't ya?
On to the next step!
Rigging the model for Cutscenes
Go to your gta3.img by TXD Workshop, and extract "Playerh.dff"
Should be like this:
Now, do the same as before. Line the ped u want to rig's head up with claude's head like this:
Click claude's head and select all his vertices, click on Attach, click on the peds head, click Ok.
Then it should be rigged, and it should be like:
Now, extract in VC's extraction method, and click Bones/Skin Export. Should be:
Now you have rigged it for cutscenes, now go to TXD Workshop, open up playerh.txd, replace the texture with the uvmapped one with claudes body texture, click save TXD, click it off, go ingame, and enjoy your rigged model!